Tuesday 16 August 2011

3am phone call

It was a dark cold night,,, ok it was hot really. Lex was sleeping in his apartment and all of a sudden his phone rings and wakes him up...
*Ring Ring*

 -Lex wakes up rubbing his eyes-

Lex: who is calling at this time... its fucken 3am in the morning.. -picks up the phone- hello
Bob: hey lex its me bob.
Lex: oh afcorse who else would it be, why are you calling at this late time -.-
Bob: i need help
Lex: help?
Bob: yah, my dick is being a dick and giving me a hard time.
Lex: oh boy, -lex says jokingly- well tell your dick to be a man. 
Bob -screaming from the top of his lungs-: BE A MAN YOU DICKHEAD!
Lex:oh boy. -hangs up the phone- what an idiot -.-

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